Scroll down for full-size posters and regular events
The Carlops Rock Car Park Bottle Banks – Survey of Opinions
There has been a suggestion that the CCC should ask SBC to remove them because of environmental concerns when they are full. But it’s important we understand the sentiment in the village before we make any recommendations. The link to the survey is below – please pass it on to any others who are not on WhatsApp ( it will also be emailed out to those on the CCC mailing list)
Please cut and paste the following link into your browser
Cuppa and Company in the Carlops Church – every Thursday afternoon 2-4pm
Eco Coffee Drop-in and Fair Trade Stall at Carlops Church : Saturday 29th June, Saturday 27th July and Saturday 31st August 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon
All information extracted from the Carlops Yellow Card